5 June 2018
RFC Korridorok tájékoztató
Rail freight corridor Orient/East-Med extends to the German coast

DB Netz AG joins the European rail freight corridor RFC Orient/East-Med from June 2018. The extension to Germany with the new branches to the relevant ports of Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven as well as to Hamburg and Rostock makes RFC OEM a notably outspread corridor from the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea to the North and Baltic Seas in the future. For the timetable year 2019, RFC OEM will offer coordinated paths for the German routes in form of reserve capacity. One year later the pre-arranged paths (PAPs) will also be available. The Corridor One-Stop Shop is at the disposal of the customers with the new capacity requests.   



As a result of this extension, RFC OEM will connect eight countries, namely Germany, Czechia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece with each other, between the main nodes of Wilhelmshaven/Bremerhaven/Hamburg/Rostock–Dresden–Praha–Vienna/Bratislava–Budapest–Vidin–Sofia–Thessaloniki–Athens–Patras as well as Budapest–Bucharest–Constanta and Sofia–Plovdiv–Svilengrad, reaching the centre of the continent with several sea connections. With the common effort of nine railway infrastructure managers and one capacity-allocation body in a supportive institutional background, RFC OEM strives for the promotion of reliable, high-quality and competitive transport services along its now more than 9000 km long route.



Contacts for the corridor one-stop-shop (C-OSS), interactive map, offers of pre-arranged paths and reserve capacity, corridor information document, list of planned temporary capacity restrictions and further information are available at the official website http://www.rfc7.eu/.


General information about the Rail Freight Corridors (RFC) Network can be found at the Rail Net Europe website http://www.rne.eu/rail-freight-corridors/.